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Managed Database Availability
Starting November 14, 2024, Akamai is re-introducing its Managed Database service in partnership with Aiven to bring customers higher performance, reliability, and flexibility. At launch, the new service is available in 20 core compute sites across the globe for distribution and low latency. Click here for more information: Database migration notice

Linode’s Managed Database service is a convenient and reliable way to host your database workloads in the cloud. Quickly get up and running by following the instructions within this guide.

Create a Managed Database

A Managed Database can be deployed using Cloud Manager, the Linode API, or the Linode CLI. For instructions on deploying it through Cloud Manager, see the following guide:

Connect to Your Database

Once a Managed Database has been provisioned, you can connect to it from any compatible system or applications. Before you do so, the system’s IP address needs to be added to the database cluster’s access control list.

Migrate an Existing Database

If you are replacing an existing database with Linode’s Managed Database service, you will need to migrate that data after the database cluster has been fully provisioned. The guide Migrate a MySQL or MariaDB Database to a Managed Database walks you through migrating a MySQL database.

Integrate the Database into an Application

While its possible to add data directly to a database using CLI or GUI tools, it’s much more common to integrate the database into an existing application. For instance, you can use the database with any web stack that uses your chosen database engine (DBMS) such as LEMP / LAMP for MySQL and MERN / MEAN for MongoDB. When using a Managed Database, you can forgo installing the database locally on the system and instead use the credentials and connection details for your Managed Database. The instructions for connecting to a remote database vary by application. For example, here’s a guide for WordPress: Configure WordPress to use a Remote Database.

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