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Managed Database Availability
Starting November 14, 2024, Akamai is re-introducing its Managed Database service in partnership with Aiven to bring customers higher performance, reliability, and flexibility. At launch, the new service is available in 20 core compute sites across the globe for distribution and low latency. Click here for more information: Database migration notice

Each Managed Database includes daily backups of your data, taken on a 24 hour cadence. Up to 7 backups are stored for each database cluster, which provides you with a restore point for each day in the last week. This guide walks you through viewing and restoring from these managed backups.

View Managed Backups

  1. Log in to Cloud Manager and select Databases from the left navigation menu.

  2. Select your Managed Database from the list. This opens the detail page for that database cluster.

  3. Navigate to the Backups tab. A list of your available backups are displayed, organized by the date they were created.

Restore Managed Backups

Restoring from a backup erases all data stored within the database cluster and replaces it with the data from that backup.
  1. View the available backups by following the View Managed Backups instructions.

  2. Locate the backup you wish to restore and click the corresponding Restore link. A confirmation dialog appears.

  3. Enter the name of the database cluster in the Database Label field and click the Restore Database button. This deletes all the data currently stored on the database and restores the data from the selected backup. The restore process takes a few moments, the length of which depends on the amount of data. You can monitor the progress by viewing the listing page for all your database clusters.

Alternative Backup Methods

To fully protect your data, your backup strategy should include additional backup solutions. While managed backups provide several quick recovery points, you may wish to retain backups for longer periods of time, store backups offsite, or only backup certain databases or tables. In these cases, you can use built-in DBMS tools or other third-party solutions.

The following is a list of command-line tools included with each DBMS. These tools can all be used to create manual backups or to automate backups through cron jobs or other tools.


The mysqldump utility captures logical backups of MySQL databases and is included as part of the MySQL software. The following command exports a database called Example within the MySQL Managed Database cluster and saves it as an .sql file. Replace the host and database name with your own values. See Connect to a MySQL Managed Database guide for instructions on viewing the connection details (including the username, password, host, and port).

mysqldump -h -u linroot -p --single-transaction --set-gtid-purged=OFF Example > backup-$(date +%F-%H.%M.%S).sql

For more instructions, see Backing Up MySQL Databases Using mysqldump.


pg_dump, included with PostgreSQL, captures logical backups of PostgreSQL databases. The following command exports the database called Example within the given PostgreSQL Managed Database cluster and saves it as a file. Replace the host and database name with your own values. See Connect to a PostgreSQL Managed Database guide for instructions on viewing the connection details (including the username, password, host, and port).

pg_dump -Fd --host --dbname Example --quote-all-identifiers --verbose --lock-wait-timeout=480000 --no-unlogged-table-data --serializable-deferrable --jobs=1 --username linpostgres --file database.backup

For more information, review the Backing Up a PostgreSQL Database (Database Dump) guide.

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